M, 21.00MM, SS 1/640, F 8, ISO 400

M, 21.00MM, SS 1/640, F8, ISO 400

M, 21.00MM, SS 1/640, F8, ISO 400

M,21.00MM, SS 1/640, F8, ISO 400

In this photo from the internet is shows a leopard at a certain angle. I find this photo interesting because it shows the position of which the leopard is in and how low to the ground it is. The position that it is in is usually the position it gets in when it’s going to attack. Leopards and any type of cats are really adorable, and they are very aware of their surroundings.


ISO:400, F 6.3, M, SS 1/1000, FL 34.00MM

ISO:400, F 6.3, M, SS 1/1000, FL 34.00MM

This image from the internet really caught my attention with the idea of shadows in mind. The picture shows a cat and its shadow. I think this image is very interesting because of how the shadow is bigger than the actual cat. That is because of the way the sun or light is hitting the cat. Even though you can’t see every aspect on the shadow you can see the figure of the cat perfectly. That includes its ears, tail. legs and even the mouth/jaw.


F9, SS 1/3200, M, 55MM, ISO 400

SS 1/80, F18, M, 55MM, ISO 400

SS 1/200, F9, M, 55MM, ISO 400

This image from the internet shows texture. I like how it shows the ladybug and the tree clearly, so it looks really interesting. It’s also very interesting because ladybugs are really tiny so seeing it close up on this image is so cool.

What I learned about exposure!!

One thing I learned about is the different types of cameras there is and how they all work. I as well learned about the different types of lenses the camera uses. I learned about the apertures also known as f-stops and what they work for. The aperture works for how large the opening it affects how much sunlight entered the camera for the photo. The shutter speed on the other hand is to determine how long the shutter is open for and it can range from 30″ to 1/4000 of a second. And finally, the iso is the number that describes the cameras sensitivity to sunlight. Higher iso means its more sensitive to light, meaning it takes not as much light to get the right exposure.